What was your recovery like?

Want to share your experience?

4 responses

Olga Zubashko
OlgaZTweets tweeted on March 14, 2021.

@joefrk I went through this with ACL surgery! The next phase is a “lag” — you tell your brain to lift your leg, and it does it but with a 2-5 second lag. It’s like your body is buggy 😂 it’s very weird

Jordany Reyes
J_Reyes33 tweeted on March 15, 2021.

I’m not gonna front, this recovery from acl surgery might be the worst pain I’ve felt.

Hannah Quinn
hanquinnmarie tweeted on March 14, 2021.

@DrBenLovell The first day after I got ACL surgery. I woke up in agony screaming & crying. It was much worse than the pain of actually tearing my ACL, MCL & meniscus.

pikachu_wood.UST 🌖 | dotsama
crypto_tacos88 tweeted on September 16, 2021.

A torn ACL is such crap, had my following surgery three weeks ago. The healing process is slow and really leaves you mentally in a bad spot. But at least the chances are quite high to fully recover and also the first steps are already happening. #comingbackstronger