Are you pain-free after having this procedure?

Want to share your experience?

3 responses

Kate Nolan
nonnykate tweeted on February 5, 2022.

@Ange_Amene Worst. Pain. Ever. I have debilitating daily RA pain, but sciatica was the pain that made me fully understand the idea of suicide as relief. I ended up in surgery (microdiscectomy) that cured it. I hope you get relief soon.

Sarah Darnoc
SDarnoc tweeted on November 2, 2021.

@Tennesseine This time two years ago I was in the same pain. I couldn’t walk, sit or stand because the pain was so excruciating and radiated down my leg and the only relief I could get was lying on my back. I ended up having microdiscectomy surgery and I’ve been great ever since!

3puttSmitty tweeted on April 30, 2021.

@NateHodges @Davey_Hudson I had L5/S1 microdiscectomy surgery last June. The surgery bought me about six months of relief.